Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hello Hooks!

The opening day parade/ceremony is scheduled for 9:00...please plan on meeting over at the practice fields by 8:45. I will have uniforms to hand out. You will be given Hats, Shirts and Socks. The recommended color pants are Grey...but are not provided by the league. I personally don't care what pants your kids wear, so its up to you. Our official uniform calls for grey pants.

The opening day Game has been moved back 1/2 hour to 12:00 Noon. We will be playing the first game at 12:00 noon. Please try to be at the field about 20 minutes prior to the game for our first game.

There are no more scheduled practices. Only games from now on. I should have the full schedule posted shortly. Remember --- NO MORE MONDAY OR SATURDAY PRACTICES!!!

And finally, I want to thank all of the parents that have been helping out at practice so far. If I havn't had a chance to thank you personally, I really appreciate it. From the onfield help, to the dugout help, all assistance is hugely helpful and thank you very much. The kids seem to be enjoying themselves so far.

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