Saturday, April 25, 2009

End of Year Party

With the end of the baseball season a few weeks away, we wanted to invite everyone on over to our house for an End of the Season Party.

Our last game is Saturday, May 16th at 5:30. Following the game we'd like to invite the team, their family and brothers and sisters over for a barbecue and pool party.

Our address is 12045 Mountbatten Drive, 33626. We are located at the corner of Countryway and Racetrack in the NewCastle Subdivision (right behind the 7-11 shopping center).

When you come into the neighborhood, make your first left onto Mountbatten and then we are the first house on the left.

We've enjoyed the season so far and look forward to everyone joining us to celebrate a fun and enjoyable season. I want to thank everyone again for all of their help!

Coach Eric and Jennifer Klaus

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